Q: Can I park on the street?

A: In light of requests from HOA members to improve the welcoming appearance of the HOA, the Board of Directors request that HOA residents not park on the street. This will keep the street open for better views of the landscaping, children at play in the streets, and temporary visitor parking. The Board of Directors will review the street parking again in July 2016 to assess whether additional steps are needed to improve street parking. (See Rules & Regs, sections 7.4 and 7.6, and CCR&Rs section 7.15 for current restrictions on parking.)

Q: How many vehicles can I have?

A: There is a physical limit to the space where vehicles can park, which may vary between lots. CCR&Rs, section 7.11 and 7.15 when considered together do not explicitly prescribe a limit to the number of vehicles, just a limit to the number of vehicles that can be parked in a garage. The Rules & Regs, section 7.1.4 require the vehicles be parked on a surface originally intended for parking by the builder.  

Q: Are commercial vehicles allowed in the HOA?

A: The Rules & Regs define a Commercial Vehicle as "any vehicle used primarily for commercial purposes with a gross vehicle weight rating of 12,000 lbs or more, including heavy construction equipment and trailers". These Commercial Vehicles are not allowed to park on the street or within view from the street (see Rules & Regs, section 7.2; CCR&Rs, section 7.15). 

Q: Can I operate a business in my home?

A: Low-impact business activities such as a home-office or home-occupations such as day care, preschool, music lessons, learning groups are allowed (see CCR&Rs, sections 7.2.2 and 7.6). The Board may prohibit a business if it determines it is offensive to HOA members..

Q: What if my yard is not maintained?

A: You may be notified to correct the problem such as to mow lawn, install or replace landscaping, remove weeds, patch bare spots in lawn, trim trees or bushes, rake leaves, remove ice/snow/moss from walkways, etc. 

Q: What about painting my house?

A: If you want to change the color, you must get approval from the Board of Directors. If your paint is peeling or showing signs of wear, you may be required to paint your house. For simplicity in our small community, the "Architectural Control Committee" referenced in the CCR&Rs consists of the Board of Directors.

Q: Are renters allowed in a unit?

A: Yes, but the owner must submit documentation to the Board before leasing the property, and update the documents when there is a change in tenants. There are additional restrictions for owners, and tenants are required to comply with the Rules & Regs and CCR&Rs. The Board has authority to require tenant eviction if they do not comply. 

Q: What do I do if I see a violation?

A: The Board of Directors wants to encourage a friendly and neighborly environment where we look for ways to help each other out rather than police each other to find fault. Most residents are responsive to encouraging reminders, and we all share an interest in maintaining a beautiful, peaceful community. However, if there is a problem that you feel is not getting attention, please report your concern (see the Contact section).