2020 Annual Meeting Notes

Meeting was called to order at 7:20p by Randy Celori. Board members present were Randy Celori, Mark Ekman, Mike Smith, Eric Olson

2019 Minutes Review

The annual meeting minutes from 2019 were read. A motion was made and seconded to vote for approval of the minutes. Voting to approve the minutes was unanimous in the affirmative. 

HOA Administrative Business

David Kassis, elected board member in 2019, is no longer a homeowner, so that seat is vacant. A motion was made and seconded to replace him. Lavenski (Vince) Sampson self-nominated and expressed interest to the board in being president. With a motion made and seconded to vote, the voting was unanimous. 

Glenn Birkvold, elected alternate board member in 2019, is no longer a homeowner, and the board wishes to continue to maintain an alternate. A motion was was made and seconded to replace him as an alternate board member. Dan Kestle volunteered and is interested in the architectural control committee (ACC).

Positions on the board such as president, and assignments to committees such as the ACC are determined by the board and will be considered at a later date. 

Impact Contract End

The board announced that it will not be renewing the contract with Impact Property Management (expires in February/March). This decision was made in light of annual contract increases, and a number of projects which need budget funds. The budget that is freed up will go toward fence repair this year, and building up a reserve in subsequent years. The board will pick up the responsibilities, and also spread duties Vince and Dan who were newly elected. Mike is exploring online payment options so the members can pay their dues. A notice will be posted on the website about this outcome. 

Community Property and Projects

  1. Center planter water line: The county broke the water line to the center section at the community entry. The board decided not to have the water line fixed since the county would need to install a separate water meter and bill us twice. The landscaper advised that water is not needed for the trees because they are mature. 

  2. Perimeter fence: we were quoted roughly $20K to replace the fence along Seattle Hill Road. That was far beyond our budget, so we looked at other options and determined we would buy the materials and have the HOA members participate in labor. Most of the posts seem to still be in good shape, so the majority of work will be replacing slats. 

  3. Basketball court: this will need to be addressed in future years as there is no budget in 2020, and the board is not inclined to go into debt. 

  4. Playground: this will need to be addressed in future years as there is no budget in 2020, and the board is not inclined to go into debt.


The board got quotes on insurance and decided to change the insurance provider. This change dropped some property liability insurance, which the board thought was not needed, increased some general liability coverage, and reduced the overall insurance cost. Board reviewed the 2019 expenses with HOA member attendees and discussed the 2020 budget. There are minor changes, but the major difference is the end of Impact contract in February/March. The board discussed the reserve funds and the new plan to build the reserves. A motion was made and seconded to approve the budget and accept the expense summary. 

Homeowner Forum

  • Moss in entry way is a minor concern. Eric will try to run some surface cleaner and use Greg’s water to get the entry clean. 

  • Trees are starting to destroy entry way. Randy will call public works about the problem. Sidewalk at top of entry to the right. 

  • Commercial playground is a concern but a major expense that is further down the road

  • Question about the caps on the HOA entrance sign and at some point the replacement of the sign. Eric has a contact that may be able to help us at cost for an affordable sign replacement.

  • There was a vehicle that was parked without an engine, and that is now gone. There is now another vehicle that is parked on the street that has not moved. There are also sometimes 8 cars at one of the homes on 48th drive and a car in the driveway with flat tires. These are problematic for the community, and will likely need attention. The board will investigate options. 

  • Waste bins need to be stored out of view from the street, behind a fence or a visual barrier. The board will consider options for reminding HOA members about proper waste bin storage. 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.