2017 Annual Meeting Notes
/The 2017 financial report and budget was ratified at the Annual Meeting held February 21, 2017. There is no special assessment this year. The annual assessment of $370.00 is due on March 31st, 2017. The 2017 budget and official meeting minutes are available upon request. The essential details are as follows:
While there is some concern about the age of the fence along Seattle Hill Road, the board has determined to wait until the road construction is completed in 2018 to evaluate any further repair or replacement. Members attending concurred.
The repairs of the playground decks and refinishing of wood services resolved the prior concerns that were expressed last year. There was a general consensus that the landscaper is doing a much better job in maintaining the common areas. The special assessment funds were exhausted as planned in replacing all three mailboxes in the community, and several members commented on how they like the new parcel lockers and the appearance of the mailboxes. There was discussion about the roots that were surfacing in the entry corridor, and the board deferred action until after road construction.
There were concerns expressed about loitering and alcohol consumption at the South park. An idea was proposed to post sign with rules and hours for park access, including "No Smoking, No Alcohol, No Loitering, No Unleashed Dogs". Another ideas was to post a video surveillance sign, as one of the members does have a camera aimed toward that area.
There were no remaining concerns about the board communication with HOA members nor with architectural control. Although there were some houses that changed the color of their homes without prior approval from the architectural control committee, the board reminded the membership that we don't employ a compliance officer to monitor the neighborhood.
If at any time homeowners within the community have any concerns, violations to report, or questions please reach out to the property manager (see contact page for info).
There were two vacancies on the board to be filled. Eric Olson and Lea Areitio were elected for one-year terms.