2021 Annual Meeting Notes


From our 7pm Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Via Zoom

7:00 - Gave a few minutes for Homeowners to connect.

7:10 - Meeting was called to order by Randy Celori. 

Roll Call was done. Board members present were Randy Celori, Eric Olsen, Mark Ekman, Dan Kestle, (Vinnie unable to attend)

Homeowners: Laurie Hodge, Chaz Bantle, Greg Gomoluch, Amir Hassan, Lea Areito, Andrew Prichard, Tony Bailey.  

Proxies:  Dan received Frank Peters 

7:15 – 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes were read by Randy. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. Voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

7:20 – Members Comments:  A homeowner brought up an issue that another neighbor complained about as well which was that Lot# 46 is running a business out of his home and when his works come to take his trucks and trailers to work they leave the streets crowded with their cars.  Board Member Vinnie was supposed to have contacted the Homeowner to talk to him about this issue but was not in attendance at our meeting to ask what happened.  Board said they’ll talk to Vinnie soon and write a formal letter if required to bring the home into compliance with our Rhody Lane Rules and CC&R’s.

7:35 – Mark Ekman gave the Treasurer's Report.

7:40 – Zoom Meeting went down!  Discovered it was set-up under a free account which only allows 40-minutes.  Rhody Lane had purchased a Zoom Account to make sure we can accommodate enough participants and have plenty of time.  Next time we’ll make sure we set-up a Zoom Meeting with our Rhody Lane Account! 

7:50 – Most everyone was back on Zoom and we went back to the Proposed 2021 Budget. Randy made a Motion to Approve, Eric seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

8:00 – Election of Board Members:  

Randy nominated Eric to assume the President Roll from him.  Dan seconded the Motion, Eric Accepted and a vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

The Secretary Position held by Mike Smith was vacant due to him selling his home.  A motion was made for Chaz to fill this position and seconded Also dnd Chaz accepted. A vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

8:10 – New Business:  It was brought up that maybe we could see about doing a small Solar Powered Ring type Camera on the poll at the entrance to Rhody Lane and Eric said he’d check on it. Discussed that we’re waiting on requested Landscaping Bids.  So far, of the five we reached out to, one declined for now, one wanted $900 a month which is way too much.  Expecting two more bids by month's end that have confirmed they’ll bid.  Board Members, mainly Eric, Dan & Randy agreed to keep doing what they can to keep up with our landscaping needs like they did all of 2020, till we find an affordable landscape.  We will also piece-meal out work if we need something done we can’t do, or just can’t get too.

2021 Dues:  Will remain the same at $400 with a new option to pay Semi-Annually at $220 by March 30th and $220 by September 30th.  The extra $40 is to cover admin time but will go straight into our reserves for future needs. 

2022 Dues:  It was discussed that we had some of the lowest Dues in the surrounding neighborhoods and due to raising cost of landscaping, future maintenance needs, Etc., a motion was made to increase our Dues to $500 starting in 2022 with and option to pay Semi-Annually at $270 by March 30th and $270 by September 30th.  The extra $40 is to cover admin time but will go straight into our reserves for future needs.  The motion was seconded and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

8:25 – The meeting was adjourned.