2022 Annual Meeting Notes
DATE/TIME: Thursday, February 17, 2022 / 7:00pm-8:05pm
In Attendance were:
Board members present – 5
Erik Olson, Mark Ekman, Vince Sampson, Chaz Bantle, Dan Kestle
Homeowners – 7
Laurie Hodge, Jon and Lea Areitio, Angie Sampson, Larry Hyde, Santiago Valdez, Randy Brudwick, Jose Rojas (joined late)
7:00 – gave a few minutes to let homeowners join
7:10 Meeting called to order
Proxies: Dan has Mark/Marie proxy.
7:15 vote to approve meeting minutes from last year
Seconded and approved.
7:15 Old Business:
1) 2021 review of work done
2) Fence staining was completed
3) Sprinkler system along the entry way was fixed (this was following the gentrification of Seattle Hill Rd)
4) Entry fence behind entrance signed was repaired; this is a temporary repair
5) Landscaper was hired for 2021
7:23 Mark Ekman delivered the Treasurers Report/Review
Seconded and approved.
7:31 Board Positions (Leave/Join)
No change to board members for 2022.
7:34 New Business / 2022 Projects
1) April 7th; all common areas will be barked by United Rentals; dark fine black natural black mulch being used.
2) Only thing that needs to happen prior to that is cleaning out the center island. Taking it down a few inches to ensure rain does not produce run off of newly installed mulch. Form a work party prior to April to remove the top 3-4 inches.
3) Entrance Sign
Sign will remain but new paint/colors will be added. Top pieces will be repaired. Sign will be pressure washed and cleaned up.
Idea was brought up for a solar powered light to light up the entrance sign at night.
4) Neighborhood benches and picnic tables
Budgeted $600 to redo the tops using the left over stain from the fence
5) Future Projects
Playground replacement or sport court resurface
6) New Development Discussion.
7) Dumping in the neighborhood; signage will be installed to deter this from happening further.
7:58 Open Discussion
Primarily questions about new business and/or the proposed development project on Seattle Hill Rd.
8:05 Motion to adjourn meeting; approved. Meeting closed.